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Preventing water damage in your basement

Water damage caused by plumbing fixtures

You should check the following components and fixtures in your plumbing system:

Main water supply
As soon as you see water damage (e.g., water leaking from a toilet, washing machine, dishwasher, water heater, etc.), your first reaction should be to shut off the water supply. Shut off the water near the appliance, or shut off the main water supply in the basement.

Washing machine
Water pressure in the hot and cold water hoses causes them to wear down over time. At the first sign of wear, replace them with braided steel hoses. Turning off the taps after each wash is also a good way of preventing serious water damage.

Water supply and drainage hoses can wear down over time and cause leaks. You should also check that the gasket around the door is clean and in good condition.

Water heater
Water heaters should be replaced every 12 years—or sooner if there are signs of deterioration (e.g., rust, seepage, etc.). You may also want to install a leak detector; a device which will automatically shut off the water supply at the source.

Outside tap
Before winter, shut off the outside water supply and remove the hose. Conventional taps should be drained first to prevent the pipes from freezing. See the illustrated sheet for an explanation of how to do this.

Galvanized steel pipes
Houses built in 1950 and earlier often have galvanized steel pipes. Since they last about 40 to 50 years, they should be replaced.

Pipes during a prolonged absence in winter
If the power goes out during a severe cold spell, your pipes could freeze and burst. If you leave home for more than a week, ask someone to stop by once a week to make sure the heat is on, or drain the pipes before leaving. See the illustrated sheet for more details.

Download the illustrated sheet for more detailed prevention tips

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